Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was killed in a bombing ordered by President Donald Trump overnight at Baghdad Airport.
After news of his death broke, the country’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei sparked fears of war after he promised ‘harsh vengeance’.

WWIII is coming

World War III and the Third World War are names given to a hypothetical third worldwide large-scale military conflict subsequent to World War I and II.

The term has been in use since at least as early as 1941

Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was killed in a bombing ordered by President Donald Trump overnight at Baghdad Airport.

After news of his death broke, the country’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei sparked fears of war after he promised ‘harsh vengeance’.

Many of those tweeting about the airstrike used memes to bring light to the situation, joking about fears it could spark ‘World War 3’ 

a phrase now trending on Twitter. Searches for ‘World War 3’ also spiked on Google within hours of the airstrike in Iraq overnight.

Tensions between the US and Iran have risen when an Iranian-backed militia breached the US embassy's compound in Baghdad.

Despite the group withdrawing from the embassy after 24-hours, the deadly US strike on Suleimani came as a huge surprise, ratcheting up tensions given the unexpected nature of the strike.

The US claimed Suleimani was plotting attacks that could have endangered US citizens and military personnel around

“This war, if continued, using mercenaries, can lead to nuclear general war.

The major powers principally threatened today by this mercenary operation

It was President Trump who ordered the strike and he tweeted an image of the US flag shortly after the news broke.

It's led to a lot of chatter online about some of his past tweets.

Back in 2011, he claimed President Obama would "start a war with Iran" to get himself re-elected.

With a US presidential election coming up later this year, many commentators find the timing of this drone strike significant.

But the BBC's security correspondent Frank Gardner points out there was provocation.

"A few days ago, a huge mob in Baghdad tried to storm the US Embassy. And that was being whipped up by the militia leaders, backed by Iran.

"There was a risk if they hadn't been driven back by US Marines with tear gas that they could even have actually taken over the US Embassy.

What prevented World War 3?

Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov (Russian: Станисла́в Евгра́фович Петро́в; 7 September 1939 – 19 May 2017) was a lieutenant colonel of the Soviet Air Defence Forces who became known as "the man who single-handedly saved the world from nuclear war"

for his role in the 1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm incident.

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According to Times Higher Education, Two Italian masters scholarships have been crowned the cheapest universities in Europe, according to new analysis by foreign exchange company FairFX. These universities have been named the cheapest for both EU and international students because there are no tuition fees, and the universities cover living costs for all students. 

Here we go

5. University of Göttingen, Germany.
EU and international students pay the same tuition fees of £650, and are expected to spend around £5,754 in living cost, making a total of £6,404. The university is ranked number 113 in the Times Higher Education World University ranking.  Founded in 1734 by George II, King of Great Britain and Elector of Hanover, and starting classes in 1737, the Georgia Augusta was conceived to promote the ideals of the Enlightenment. It is the oldest university in the state of Lower Saxony and the largest in student enrollment, which stands at around 31,500. So to day ill give you TOP 5 masters scholarships  This is why ranked to number 5

4. Free University of Berlin, Germany.

Tuition fees for both EU and other international students is at £552, and cost of living at £5,754; total of £6,306. The masters scholarships is ranked number 88 in the Times Higher Education World University ranking. The Free University was founded in West Berlin in 1948 with American support during the early Cold War period as a de facto western continuation of the Frederick William University, which was in East Berlin and faced strong communist repression; its name refers to West Berlin's status as part of the Western "free world," in contrast to the "unfree" Communist world in general and the "unfree" communist-controlled university in East Berlin in particular.



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